Thursday, February 27, 2014

When Tragedy Strikes... Families Pull Together ... Why Does It Take A Tragedy?

I don't know about in your family, but in mine, our biggest reunions happen at family funerals. I have spent the last few days at my husband's mom's house surrounded by many, many relatives, some of which I had never met in my 25 years in the family. I wish I could say that some amazing family member planned, organized and executed a giant FAMILY REUNION but unfortunately, it took the death of mammaw to bring us all together. Why does it take a tragedy to bring a family together?

As I was lying in bed this morning, I began to think about life and how trials and tragedies are what propels us to reach out. When you get a bad diagnosis at the doctor, you reach out for prayer and support. When a family member passes away, we reach out for comfort from our friends and family. When you lose a job, your home burns down, so on and so on, this is when we do the reaching out or reach out to those affected by one of these tragedies.

We do the same thing with God. When we are hurting is when we really reach out for God. He wants us to reach out to Him all the time. When things are going good we build our relationship with Christ so that when things turn bad, we TRUST Him to be there. It's natural to spend more time with Christ when tragedy strikes, and that is okay, but don't neglect spending time with Him during the easy times.

The same holds true in our earthly relationships. We need to be intentional to reach out during the "good" times, to build the TRUST and bond, so that in the bad times, we have those people to reach out to. How can we be intentional in reaching out when we are forced by tragedy to do so?

  1. Plan a trip to visit when you don't "have to".
  2. Make a phone call and just visit to visit.
  3. Go to lunch, dinner, or coffee.
  4. Send a card or letter. A hand written note is priceless.

I love my friends and family dearly but I will admit that I do not do a good job of this all of the time. I am going to be more intentional. I hope you will be too! Love you all!

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