Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Why Not Build A Stand?

We have all heard the statement, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade". Well I say when life gives you lemons; grab a hammer, do some work, build a stand  so that you not only make lemonade but you triumph through your trials.

In December, I made the choice to leave a job that I had loved for 3.5 years for another opportunity. I was very naive to think that the relationships I had built through that job would not change. Sure, not everything would be the same, but the deep down core of my closest relationships, I thought would stay intact. I WAS WRONG in all but one relationship.

This was not the fault of any of us. It is just the way it happened. It hurt. I felt lost. I grieved as I am sure many of them did. I knew that there was a lesson for me to learn. While driving to my new job of just 2 weeks, the thought occurred to me that I had spent too much time holding onto my lemons. It was time to not only make lemonade. It was time to grab my hammer and build a new lemonade stand. That is what I am doing!

What lemons do you need to let go of? Life is not fair. We all know that. It is not as important WHAT happens to us as it is the HOW we respond.

  1. Let go of the hurt. Holding on to bitterness is the easiest way to become depressed.
  2. Have the tough conversations. It is important to address the issues so you can leave the past behind and truly move forward.
  3. Forgive those that hurt you. Ask for their forgiveness as well. We all played a part in the problem. Own yours so they can own theirs.
  4. Pick up your hammer and start building! This is the moving forward part. Build new relationships. Focus on the positives in your life. Learn a new skill, improve strengths you already have. 
Above all else, I was reminded what it really meant to trust God. I knew that His plan was perfect even when it didn't feel like it. I am very happy to say that I am building the foundation of my new lemonade stand. I have focused on producing quality work that I am proud of. I have learned to worry less about what everyone else thinks. I am just enjoying getting to know new people and building new relationships.

I love you all!

1 comment:

  1. i couldn't be more grateful that your stand is next to mine.
