Sunday, February 2, 2014

Happy Birthday to My Love

It feels so good to be able to say HAPPY 44th BIRTHDAY to my amazing husband Chris. Those of you who don't know our story may ask, "why is this any different than wishing anyone else happy birthday?".

Wishing Chris happy birthday is different because in May of 2006 all the doctors we spoke to told us Chris won't be around to see his 37th birthday. (Except for one who believed in miracles and said he would give it a shot!) Chris was diagnosed with a horrible terminal cancer in his head, neck and throat.

Numbers like 98% mortality, 6 months to live, .6 white blood cell count are what we heard from everyone. So to say 6.5 years cancer free & 44th birthday sounds awesome to me; would be an understatement!

Chris never said why me. He only said what do I need to do to beat cancer and then did those things!

When questioning the circumstances you may find yourself in, always question with an attitude of WHAT CAN I DO, right here, and right now to make things better.

Maybe you need to Trust God more... Maybe you need to forgive someone who has done you wrong... Maybe you are the one who has done wrong and you need to ask others to forgive you. Maybe you just need to keep doing what you are doing and Wait for God to open doors.

Whatever it is, don't put off tomorrow what you need to do today. None of us can assume that we will have tomorrow. Pick up the phone, pull out your Bible, go visit your family, walk back in to church (the roof will not fall down), The first step is always the hardest. All you have to do is to do it!

Love you all but especially my incredible husband who gets to celebrate his birthday this year with a huge Super Bowl Party!

1 comment:

  1. Very well said sister, and I couldn't agree more about Chris! Love you guys!
