Friday, February 14, 2014

Is Valentines Day Just For Those With A Significant Other?

Is Valentines Day Just For Those With A Significant Other??? My answer to that is NO! Since the 14th century, Valentines Day has been associated with LOVE. Before that is was a day to honor St Valentine of Rome who was martyred for performing marriage ceremonies for Christian soldiers imprisoned in Rome. He was buried on February 14, hence the reason why we celebrate Valentines Day on this day.

Okay, now that I got the history part over, I want to share why today is not just for husbands & wives, boyfriends & girlfriends, and the such.

When you are married or dating, you should never NEED a reminder to express your LOVE. You should do it everyday in the little things; like opening a car door, cooking dinner, cleaning the house, making his lunch, taking out the trash (before it's spilling out everywhere!!), a kiss goodnight, a text of encouragement, praying together, etc. You get the point.

So, today I am going to remember to express my LOVE for my amazing husband who I have celebrated 24 Valentines Days with, but I am also going to remember to express LOVE to those around me who may not have a special someone to buy them flowers or take them to dinner.

No day should ever be a day of exclusion. The greatest commandment Jesus left us with was to LOVE. My favorite verse is 1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, LOVE each other deeply, because LOVE covers over a multitude of sins."

Who can you include on this Valentines Day? Which of your friends or family don't have a Valentine? Send them a text, call them, buy them chocolates or flowers, take them to dinner... just find a way to include them!
This world would be a much better place if we treated everyday like Valentines Day and loved our GOD with all of our hearts and loved our neighbors as ourselves.

Happy VALENTINES day my friends. I LOVE you all and pray everyone of you feels loved on this day and everyday because our God LOVES you and that is what is most important.

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