Monday, March 3, 2014

Submission is truly tested when we DON'T agree!

I had a long trip to Ohio ahead of me. I had never driven this route on my own, so I typed my destination address in the good old GPS, and set out on my way. The first half of my trip was uneventful. I followed the GPS directions to a T. They all made sense! It was when the crazy thing told me to head south on the highway that I first questioned it's sanity. I'm not a geography major, but I could find NO logical reason to travel south when Ohio is most definitely north of Tennessee. The first thought that went through my head was, "you are surely mistaken", so I went with my own logic and headed North on that highway. I was privileged to listen to the GPS tell my every 10 seconds to "make a legal U-Turn" for the next 5 miles until I decided, "Fine, I'll try going your way for a little while." Much to my surprise, 2 miles from where I originally rebelled, the trusty thing had me get on my final road and head East. Imagine that, the GPS knew the right way to go even if it defied my feeble logic!

In life, there are times when God directs our paths in directions that go against logic. In directions that we don't agree with. It is in those moments that our submission to God's plan is truly tested. It is easy to submit when we agree but true submission is doing what is asked when we don't necessarily agree. 

This starts early in life, definitely in our teen years. You know the times. When our friends are going to that party and we get that sick feeling in our stomach that says we shouldn't go. It's our choice whether we "listen" to that feeling and not go, or rebel and go anyways. What about when we know that the "cool" boy that skips school all the time is not boyfriend material but we decide to date him anyways. He may break our heart or even worse take our purity. These are the GPS moments in our teen years when listening to our brains feels better, but listening to our spirit is what we need to do.

As adults, the GPS in our spirit may be pointing us to leave that job that is comfortable because God has other plans for us. It may be that our husband feels led to get out of debt and sale our "dream" home but we scream, fight and throw a tantrum until we get our way. We spend the next 5 years struggling financially with the GPS screaming "make a legal U-Turn" all because we allowed our emotions to control our submission or lack there of.

It is ALWAYS better to submit than to rebel. Submission takes on many facets, wives should submit to their husbands, children should submit to their parents, we should ALL submit to those who are in authority to us such as our boss or pastor. Most importantly, if you are a Christian, you should submit to the will of God over your life.

What if, like me, you rebel and don't submit? MAKE A LEGAL U-TURN! It is never too late to get on the right route!

Love you guys!

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