Monday, March 10, 2014

Spontaneous... Sometimes It's Ok To Not Have A Plan!

Spontaneous... Sometimes It's Ok To Not Have A Plan! That one statement is hard for a type A personality like mine to say, let alone do! On Friday at 3:00, a crazy idea crossed my mind and I ran with it. I wanted to surprise my husband with a getaway and I decided that I would do it without a plan. By 4:00 we were packed and on our way to the Cumberland Mountains in east Tennessee.

Honestly, I think my spontaneity impressed my hubby more than the trip but either way, I am glad I did it.

Sometimes in life, we miss out on opportunities to just enjoy living because we focus on having everything figured out before we do anything.  In a lot of life situations, planning is critical, but not in everything. You need to plan a budget, plan for retirement and plan for college or marriage but not everything has to have a plan.

Within one hour of leaving our driveway, I begin to have anxiety about my lack of a plan. I worried about spending money I hadn't planned on. I worried about leaving town without letting my son know we wouldn't be home. (Don't call child protective services, he is not a child. He is 22) I had to remind myself to relax and just enjoy the next couple of days. 

We stayed in a hotel we had never stayed at, in a town we had only driven through 1 time before. I didn't even know if there were good restaurants close! For the record, there were no "good" restaurants but we had the time of our life people watching, while eating the $5.99 breakfast buffet at Shoney's at 10:00pm.
We drove to the top of the highest mountain, we fed llamas and ate lunch with our daughter and her fiance'. The best part of our trip was I had no plan. No plan meant no pressure to meet deadlines and no expectations of how our time should be spent. It was perfect.

As I look back on this spontaneous trip, I realize that my need for a plan feeds my need for control. Can you relate? What can you do to exercise the inner spontaneity in you? Sometimes, it's okay to not have a plan! 
Live life to the fullest because no one is promised tomorrow. Love God and Love people with all your heart. Shake things up every once in awhile. You might even like the freedom you feel in not having to have EVERYTHING figured out!

Love you guys. Please pray for my pastor who had another scan done to make sure he is still cancer free. His results come back Tuesday or Wednesday. Our God and His plans and purposes are bigger than any cancer diagnosis!

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