Thursday, March 27, 2014

Seize The Moments

Last Friday, I was sitting in a coffee shop with some teens studying God's Word, when I realized the importance of seizing the moment.

I have a deep respect for single parents and an equally deep respect for kids of single parents! Having been married for 23 years and raising two amazing kids with my husband, I think about all the one on one time we got to share with our kids. Those were special trips to the movies, a night away in a nearby town or dinner and shopping just the 2 of us. I loved and cherished EVERY one of those moments but I also valued the times when my husband would take the kids so I could have ME TIME! The best part was that there was ALWAYS someone there that could take the kids so Chris or I could have that me time. A spouse is in one way, a built in babysitter.

Single moms and single dads don't have that luxury, that built in babysitter. Every trip to the movies or dinner out is one on one time. And those kids of single parents don't get that special one on one time with just mom and then just dad. They get it with one or the other but never both.

In the coffee shop last Friday, I asked the gals and guys what they were doing for Spring Break. Some had great plans but some had no plans at all. "My mom will be working so we're not going anywhere" or "my dad can't take off so I am spending Spring Break at home". That's when God prompted me to SEIZE THE MOMENT. "Let's take a girls trip and go hiking in the mountains", I suggested. They jumped on the idea. We started planning and by the end of the day we had a quick, mini vacation planned for the following Thursday.

The excitement and love in these girl's voices made my heart melt. The appreciation expressed by the single moms and single dad was well worth any monetary or time sacrifice I was making. God has blessed me to be a blessing. He calls us to take care of the widows, orphans and the poor. I believe He also calls us to help the single parents in our world. Divorce was not an issue 2000 years ago but today it is. I know single parents would be included in that scripture if Jesus wrote it today!

What moment can you SEIZE today? I have found that the best medicine for depression, anger, worry or grief is to take the focus off of me and pour into someone else. Who can you help today? What single parent, child of a single parent, widow, orphan, struggling family, etc, can you bless today? Lets be known as a generation who is unbelievably generous! I love you all and pray that you are all blessed beyond measure!


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